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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Treatment 2: Bracing

If your curve is larger than twenty-five degrees but less than forty degrees you are probably a good candidate for a brace.  There are three different types of braces.  One type is not necessarily better than another, they are just used for different reasons.  The three types are described below.

1. The Boston Brace: This is the most commonly prescribed brace.  The brace is made out of plastic and modeled to fit the patient’s body.  It is worn under the clothes and is not very noticeable.  It is typically used to treat thoracic, lumbar, or double thoracic curves.  This is the type of brace I was prescribed.  They make a cast of the patients back as a model for the dimensions for the real brace.  I was also able to pick a design for the actual plastic of the brace to help personalize it.  While this was a small gesture it was nice to be able to have the brace different than just plain white since it was with me for so long

2. The Milwaukee Brace: The Milwaukee Brace is very similar to the Boston Brace but it includes a neck ring.  The neck ring is added to keep the neck in line with the spine.  It is also made out of plastic and modeled to fit the patient’s body.  It is usually used to treat thoracic curves.

3. The Charleston Bending Brace: This brace is only worn while the patient is sleeping.  It is modeled the same as the Boston Brace and the Milwaukee Brace but it applies more pressure to the curve in the opposite direction. 

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